Google Ads, Pay Per Click and Remarketing

Google Ads and Pay Per Click Advertising 

• PPC stands for ‘Pay Per Click’
• PPC is an internet advertising method created by search engines (such as Google, Yahoo & Bing) and is used to direct relevant traffic (people) to websites, with the goal being a conversion of some sort, for example, a Sale, Lead or Enquiry.

How targeted can PPC be?
With PPC, a user can set up their campaigns in such a way so that their Ads only ever appear to people that are really relevant to what the user is offering them. For example we can target certain times of the day & certain days of the week, plus we can target people by device, language, age, gender & importantly location. All of these targeting features can provide high-quality & relevant website traffic.

Google Search Network 
It might help to think of the “Google search network” as a group of search engines. Within the Search Network, it’s possible to choose between Google search and Search partners.

Google lists AOL.com and Ask.com as examples of their search partners. Ads are targeted based on the keyword(s) users select as their search query. It is only possible to run text ads on the Search Network.

Google Display Network
The Display Network, which, up until recently was referred to as the Content Network is a gigantic network of websites that have Google AdSense enabled.

When you see ads on your friend’s blog, online newspapers, or when you’re watching Youtube, these ads appear because someone enabled their ads to run on the Display Network.

What is Remarketing
Remarketing is a way for you to show your ads to people who visited your website but didn’t complete a desired action, for example making a purchase or signing up
It is a powerful way to stay engaged with your target audience, and can radically improve return on investment for your marketing campaigns.

Target audiences with Remarketing
Target people who have previously visited your website
For each new site they visit they are served your ad again—reminding them of your business as they continue to browse the Web.

How can I make it work for me?
The key is to have very tactical messages
Encourage customers back to your website with a great offer related to the page where they left your website.
Target people who have browsed your website but not converted.
Target customers who have started but not completed an online form.

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